Learn the Koran Iqro Application Serial Child Education is helping children to learn to recite the Quran quickly with Iqro method in a fun way.Learning to recite the Quran with Iqro method is very famous in Indonesia. Learn the Koran by methods Iqro shown to help kids could recite the Quran properly and quickly.In this application, children will learn how to recite the Quran right with Iqro method . The concept of learning in this application is designed to interactively with games interesting and attractive voice so kids do not get bored while studying the Koran quranMENU learn the Koran IQRO JUZ 1------------------------------------------★ learn the Koran Juz 1★ There are 21 chapters will be studied at the Iqra Juz 1★ Equipped with voice and example of reading the QuranMENU PLAY-----------------------★ Play Guess Reading Iqro ★ Play Air Balloon★ Play Bubble Reading Iqro ===============serial Secil===============Secil abbreviated Serial Learning Little is set Serial Application Kids Learning Indonesian Language specially packaged in an interactive and interesting that we created specifically for Indonesian children. Already there are several series that have been released as Secil Learning Numbers, Learning Secil Islamic Prayer, Secil Learning Tajweed and many others